Core Soul Connection

Monday fortnightly focused 8 p.m. group

February 1st

February 15th

March 1st

March 15th


Humans need connection.

No ifs no buts.

Humans need connection.


Not only with other but with a sense of self.

At the moment that is a very tricky thing to come by, with connection at an all time low we are suffetring needlessly.

I am Lucy I Inspire people to step ot of pain and into happiness with ease to live a life they love.

I have found life hard in the past and have been in a lot of pain and so I am passionate about doing what I can to help others with theirs.

Every two week I hold space for an hour and a half for you and the other group members.


I guide you though medutation, through intention setting, we do tapping through diffult emotions that arise, we even laugh, we connect in a way that is super meaningful and you connect with you, you have a chance to delve deep gently and re-connect with you.

Lucy Brackenbury

Course Leader

Hey hey hey, 

I am the fpounder of Core Balance Coaching,

I am passionate about getting women out of pain be in emotional or physial, and let them live a live of ease and abundance.


I have a load of qualifications to draw from, and even more experince (over 22 years) So if it feels right to join me and the astounding group of women \i serve then join in xx

Love and Light Lucy


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